Mobile sites and texts aim Hispanics
As the Hispanic population grows in the US, one of the most challenging objectives for major advertisers is targeting customers […]
Nov 20, 2010
As the Hispanic population grows in the US, one of the most challenging objectives for major advertisers is targeting customers who speak Spanish. As an article in today’s New York Times states, advertisers are using Español deliberately on Web sites, mobile sites and in texting campaigns. Ford, Best Buy, Coca-Cola and Papa John’s International, among others, are doing their best to reign in Hispanic customers by speaking their language.
However, merely using Spanish content won’t help companies reach their target. Brands have been using web content in Español for a long time, but there’s still a long way to go.
“So many brands try to simply translate their site,” said Jessica Pantanini, chairwoman of the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies. “You’ve got to make sure that you’re connecting with your consumer in a relevant way in their language. What’s the right spin, the angle? You’ve got to have the right strategy.”
What’s your own experience with content in Spanish? Do you also target Hispanic customers?
Nov 20, 2010