Leading women of LatAm's IT Industry
Learn all about our presence at Immercio Conference 2014 in Mexico and discover how women are conquering the LatAm’s IT world!
Jan 28, 2014
We are happy to share with you that our CMO Nancy Medica, together with Cesar DOnofrio, CEO at Making Sense were part of Immercio Conference 2014, the Nearshore Executive Alliance’s First Annual Conference that took place on January 23 in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Making Sense is an IT company strongly committed to raising market awareness of the Argentine software sector as an outsourcing destination, which is why we constantly seek to learn about and capitalize on promising new technology trends and breakthroughs. Our company is always looking to participate in any kind of industry events for the purposes of networking with, collaborating with and learning from other IT business leaders around the globe.
Immercio Conference was focused exclusively on Latin America’s IT and BPO industry and it was a great place to find out about new opportunities, challenges and best practices to develop strategic relationships in the Nearshore Community.
As representative to the new US ArgenTIna IT Office, Nancy Medica has been eagerly working in partnership with the Argentine Ministry of External Relations and Culture to launch the ArgenTIna IT International Network that promotes the Argentine software and IT services companies in the major markets around the globe.
This time she had the opportunity to participate in “It’s A Man’s World?” panel during the Immercio Conference, where they had the chance to discuss the change in Latin America regarding the opportunities for women in the BPO/IT world. They discussed how the role of professional women has changed during the last 10 years in the industry, and the great communication and multitasking skills women have developed through the years. The Nearshore Outsourcing industry has provided women not only the opportunity to have a career, but also the chance to keep improving themselves in the IT world.
The participation of women in the labor force is significantly higher today than it was in the 1970s, especially among women with children, most of them working full time and year round. In addition, women have increasingly attained higher levels of education as well.
If we take a look back, working women historically only performed low paid menial jobs, but today they make up the majority of professional workers in many countries and they are an integral part of the workforce.
Here at Making Sense we have also experienced changes regarding the evolution of women participation within our own workforce. The amount of ladies working with us has increased significantly in the last couple of years. Today approximately 30% of our current employee roster includes talented women who enrich the workplace and are such an integral part of our success and daily improvements!
In recent years the Argentine technology sector has grown considerably positioning the country as an emerging leader and innovator within the Latin American region. We are very proud to have one of our team members representing us in in the BPO/IT world, and most important representing our women workforce. We think women play an important role in today’s IT world.
Making Sense has a lot of clients enjoying exciting success stories. If you want to learn more about our company or you have an idea for a new app or innovative software program, tell us about it. Contact us today at hello@makingsense.com!
Jan 28, 2014