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Impacting the Future of Software Quality

A Brief Recap of the Argentinian Testing Congress 2017 by Mariano, our QC Analyst and speaker at this event.

Nov 1, 2017

Last year, I had the honor of being part of the audience of the first Argentinian Testing Congress in downtown Buenos Aires at the National Technological University.

It was a fulfilling experience, and I felt so proud of the organizers for running such an influential event. Each speaker inspired insights and emotions that have remained with me. But the biggest inspiration was to be part of the next congress, not as an audience member but as a speaker.

Argentinian Testing Congress 2017

This year, the organizers opened a site to submit proposals for speaking opportunities in the 2017 edition. Recounting my personal experience as a listener last year, I did not hesitate to apply for such a prestigious position to inspire others through technology.

For my proposed topic, I centered on IoT testing based on a recent experience with one of our partners. Aside from thinking it an interesting and innovative topic to talk about, I believed it to be relevant to today’s current technology trends and a way to help others prepare for future advancements. Fortunately, the organizers agreed and my topic was selected over many others.

The event took place on the 23rd and 24th at the same location as the previous year, but in a much bigger facility within the same building, complete with a beautiful stage, big screens, microphones, audio systems, and room to host double the amount of attendees of people than the previous edition.

This year, the event was part of the iSQI (International Software Quality Institute) calendar, one of the most prestigious entities that certifies testers around the world. Many people from Uruguay came to the event, as well as attendees from all over Argentina.  Frank Frambach, director of iSQI, was present. I had the opportunity to speak with him about testing trends, share experiences from working in the field, and (why not?) talk about something that we have in common – the love for Dachshunds.

Influencing the Future of Tech in Argentina

The event was divided into two days, with each day divided into two sections, Talks and Workshops. There was a wide variety of interesting topics for both categories, and it was tough to decide which ones to attend.

My talk took place the second day in the afternoon in an almost full room. Throughout my speaking time, I felt that listeners were not only responsive and attentive, but also learning. Their questions at the conclusion further indicated the impact I was able to make.

Aside from the the talks, the event sought to push the software testing field to continue growing in Argentina. It also helped to be in touch with other colleagues and share experiences and best practices.

Many positive things came from the event, and Making Sense is more than proud to be part of it.

We are looking forward to helping make next year’s event bigger and better, encouraging professionals to keep growing and expanding in the software development world.

Nov 1, 2017