Why marketers should go mobile?
In today business is very important to have a competitive mobile strategy because smart phones have become a critical element […]
Oct 21, 2011
In today business is very important to have a competitive mobile strategy because smart phones have become a critical element in our modern society. As we stated in a post about the growth of mobile usage, if your business is going to keep up with the latest changes in consumer behavior and mobile technologies then it must have a mobile strategy.
Companies with a web presence must have a site that looks good and optimized for smart phones. A recently Google survey found that the number of advertisers running mobile specific campaigns has more than doubled since January. Yet, a large percentage of businesses are sending customers to pages that don’t display well on mobile devices.
If you do not have an optimized mobile presence on the web then your company is loosing money. A huge percentage of shopping sales are carried out on smart phones, and also the number of conversions are growing.
Google has noticed this trend and is responding by improving their ads. They are introducing the mobile optimization of a website as a new factor of ads qualitifing for AdWords campaigns that are driving mobile search traffic. As a result of this change, ads that have mobile optimized landing pages will perform better in AdWords. Because of this, they will generally drive more mobile traffic at a lower cost.
The new trend of mobile marketing is here and you can not afford to miss taking advantage of it. In a near future there will be more mobile Internet users than PC users. You must recognize that the most successful strategy is to mobilize your sites and landing pages to increase the growing of your company’s sales.
Remember that Common Sense can help your business keep up with changes in mobile technology. Learn more about how we can improve your mobile presence!
Oct 21, 2011