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Scalability and Elasticity with Azure

Sometimes your IT infrastructure’s capacity for handling customer traffic needs to stretch; and other times it needs to shrink. But […]

Jul 20, 2011

Sometimes your IT infrastructure’s capacity for handling customer traffic needs to stretch; and other times it needs to shrink. But as a CIO, you do not want to pay for extra resources which may not be used. Neither do you want to lose business due to unexpected spikes in customer traffic. That is where Azure’s dynamic scaling and elasticity can solve both of these dilemmas and do it at an affordable price.

With Microsoft’s Windows Azure Platform you only pay for the time and capacity that you actually use. There are no capital expenditures necessary. And you can scale your application up or down as needed simply by a minor change to your application’s configuration or by utilizing Azure’s management API. The Windows Azure Platform will then handle the addition or reduction of instances. Plus, there are the additional advantages of:

  • Reduced operational cost.
  • A pre-configured platform managed by Microsoft.
  • An environment completely integrated with Visual Studio and the .NET framework so there is no training cost. Eclipse, Java, PHP and Ruby are also supported.
  • Letting you to focus on business logic without having to worry about operational concerns; maintenance and availability are handled by the platform.
  • A choice of support options that can best suit your needs.

Moving to the cloud is the wave of the future and it does not have to be costly investment or a waste of limited resources. You can make use of as much or as little cloud services as you need while meeting the demands of your customers. Discover the possibilities that the Windows Azure Platform offers.

Not sure how to move to the cloud? We can help! Contact us and find out how Common Sense can help you with your cloud computing projects.

Jul 20, 2011