Meet Sergio: How to make it happen
Sergio Marchetti, co-founder of Making Sense, explains how he smoothes the way from his role.
Jun 28, 2016
Sergio Marchetti is co-founder of Making Sense and has seen the company grow from the start. This is part of our continuing series on meeting the people who work at Making Sense.
Sergio is COO at Making Sense. Born in the city of Balcarce, Sergio enjoys outdoor activities – archery is one of his favorite hobbies. He lives in Mar del Plata, where our headquarters are located in Argentina.
How did you start at MS?
I have been at MS since its early beginnings. I’ve been with the other cofounders since 2002, when Damian and Cesar D’Onofrio (co-founders of Making Sense) had the idea to start a software company with the development team in Argentina.
Damián approached the IT department of the CAECE University in Mar del Plata where I worked together with Nacho Caldentey and Juan Fazzini. He was looking for his first development team, and he intended to find talented .Net developers. We showed up, eager to fit the bill :}
Damián and Cesar had the possibility of working for a web app for an American client from Argentina. It was a good chance to start working for this market. Juan, Nacho and I were really excited with this challenge and some days after, we started our first office where we wrote our first app.
What was your first project at MS?
As soon as we started working together with Cesar, we were very lucky to have different projects. One of them, which turned out to be pretty interesting, was for a big veggie restaurant chain. The project was to migrate an app to the .Net 1.4 platform.
The app showed dynamically the menus of each day from each store. It allowed the user to select the closest store and it also filtered using the user’s preferences. It also had a membership section that allowed members to choose their preferences and receive offers and news based on that selection.
What is your job at MS?
Nowadays I’m Chief Operations Officer. My job is to guarantee that all projects are completed with success from the Operations point of view. I have to assure that all the teams have the needed human resources and infrastructure.
It’s also my responsibility to define the teams for each project, in order to guarantee execution capacity and success. As Cesar likes to tell me, I’m in charge of making sure the projects happen on time and in tip-top shape.
Every once in a while, we have to switch hats. That gets interesting because at Making Sense I have to play the role of account manager and help the sales department in creating new opportunities, among other tasks.
Tell me about the challenges at MS
Since Making Sense is a technology company, we are always connected in some way to innovation. We are and need to be dynamic and continuously growing. We are always adapting to new technologies and methodologies, and the challenges are in fact, when we need to adapt to these changes.
Another challenge is that we have to maintain a balance between the company needs and the the needs of the people who work here. It’s a great responsibility but we are lucky that our development, design and QA teams bring innovative ideas daily and that these ideas are totally useful.
Also I take extremely seriously the challenge related to professional and personal growth of the people at Making Sense. I always try to help people find what they like best doing at an IT company and be happy. It’s essential to find the right role for people.This always results in people working hard, efficiently and passionately. Ultimately, this translates into a great job done for our clients.
What do you do in your free time?
Free time? I have two kids, what’s free time? :)
I try to balance the time I dedicate to my job with the time I spend with my family and that I reserve for me. But, as I am passionate for what I do, it’s a bit difficult sometimes. I try to use part of this free time to help the company grow, organize the objectives and projects. Also, I keep updated with new technologies. I don’t learn new languages, but I like to be informed. I like to understand the world in which we live, not only to adapt to its changes, but to be the ones who promote those changes.
I also like to take care of my vegetable garden, my fruit plants and cooking. I also like to ride my bike with my two kids and build projects at home.
Since 2008 I have been practicing archery. It has caught my attention since I was a little child and once talking with my wife’s uncle, he introduced me to a teacher in Mar del Plata and I started practicing it. I have been at it ever since!
Here at Making Sense, we love what we do, and we love being on the forefront of technology and innovation. But we know we’d be nowhere without each other, and that’s what this “Meet a Making Senser” series is all about. Join us for more in this series of blog posts, as we share with you stories from the amazing people who work at Making Sense.
Jun 28, 2016